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Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Bahasa Melayu

Bahasa Inggeris
Conversation Skills

Schools not Advised to Organise Holidays Abroad
The star/Nation/Saturday, 10 December 2016
SCHOOLS should not organise overseas holidays for their Year Six pupils at the end of the year to prevent those from poor families from feeling left out, reported China Press.
Deputy Education Minister Chong Sin Woon said it did not encourage pupils to have to choose between local and overseas trips.
Chong said this was to prevent the pupils who could not afford the overseas trip from feeling left out.
National Headmasters Union chairman Wong Shee Fatt said the schools would often take into consideration the pupils’ financial background before arranging such trips.
Usually, the schools would organise local trips, he added.
“The schools will also sponsor pupils with financial difficulties for the trips, so that they will not feel disappointed,” he said, adding that such trips usually cost less than RM800.

Straight As Are  Not All That Matter
WHEN the UPSR results were announced recently, there was an uproar from parents because the number of students who scored straight As had significantly dropped.
It is time that the mindset of Malaysian parents on As changed. As an educator for 23 years, I dare say that the As that these students obtained in UPSR did not translate into something that they were able to do in real life.
When these straight As students moved to secondary school, 99% of them did not have the capability and ability to transfer the “A” quality into their new environment.
When questioned, many of these students agree that they had been spoon-fed and gone through the drills so that they could answer the questions in UPSR.
They were not taught to think critically and creatively at all. Malaysian students tend to just want shortcuts to score an A for a subject.
I am happy that the Education Ministry is now trying to change this trend. I hope the ministry will not be pressured by parents to revert to the old system.
Teachers now have to teach students relevant skills so that they can cope with different types of questions in all major examinations (UPSR, SPM and STPM).
Our teaching and learning syllabus has emphasised Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for many years. However, many teachers tend to think that HOTS focuses only on the type of questions asked.
Teachers must realise that HOTS can be used in any situations, i.e. exam format, the types of questions, the structure of the questions and more.
The trick is to train students to be able to handle any questions in any given situation. Students must learn to be calm and read the instructions and questions carefully. These are vital skills for life-long learning.
These skills are also important in their own lives and later, in their working life.
Hence the need to drill students with exam questions is no longer relevant.
Instead, it is time for teachers of all levels to teach students to think critically.

Pupil scores 6As in UPSR
Pupil scores 6As in UPSR despite answering some papers from hospital bed.
By Logeiswary Thevadass
DESPITE being admitted to a private hospital for H1N1 on the second day of the UPSR, Nur Faziana Abdul Ghafar still passed - the exam with flying colours.
The SK Convent Green Lane pupil could not believe that she scored 6As when she opened her results slip yesterday.
“I started having fever on the first day, but I still went to school the next day.
“But my temperature started rising and I was admitted. That was when the doctors told me that I had H1N1 and had to be quarantined in the hospital,” she said when met at the school in Jalan Hamilton, George Town, yesterday.
Nur Faziana said she completed her other papers on the hospital bed.
“My hard work has paid off,” she enthused.
Her father Abdul Ghafar Saleh, 60, said they were more worried about her health than the exam.
“She has made us proud today,” he said.
Friends Chin Li Ren and Christopher Teh were jumping for joy as straight 8As scorers in SJK(C) Perempuan Cina.
They were the only two boys among 15 pupils who scored 8As in the school.
“With the additional papers, it was more challenging but we are happy that we have aced it,” Teh said.
SJK(C) Perempuan Cina was the top school with 97.61% of candi­dates achieving the minimum grade. The average school grade was 1.95 points.
Penang ranked third highest state with an average grade of 2.77 points, better than the national average grade of 2.96 points.
However, many parents were upset with the lower number of straight As.
In Bukit Mertajam, some parents were seen shedding tears in disappointment when they got the results as their children had done well in the trial exam.
Even a top school in George Town which had more than 30 pupils with straight As in 2015, recorded fewer than 10 pupils with 6As this year.
State Education Department deputy director Mohd Jamil Mohamad said overall, the average grade had dropped due to a new format of answering and marking system this year and introduction of an extra paper, English writing.
“This year, a total of 399 pupils, scored straight As from 278 schools in Penang,” he told a press confer­ence at SJK(C) Perempuan Cina.
Schools with 100% passes were SK Pulau Aman, SMK Permatang Tok Jaya in Seberang Prai, SJK(C) Chin Hwa and SJK(T) Ladang Byram.
The top 10 schools with straight As scorers were SJK(C) Perempuan Cina (15), SJK(C) Kwang Hwa (6), SJK(C) Hun Bin (1), SK Taman Senangan (5), SK Convent Green Lane (7), SK Pulau Aman (0), SJK(C) Han Chiang (2), SJK(C) Kai Chee (3), SJKC Kim Sen (9) and SJK(C) Shih Chung Cawangan (10).
The criteria for the top school is not based on the number of pupils with straight As but based on the average school grade.
Nur Faziana getting a hug from her parents Abdul Ghafar and Nur AzIeenaTan Abdullah, 47, for scoring straights As in the UPSR exam at SK Convent Green Lane, Penang.

The Internet
The Internet has rapidly spread through every aspect of our life. Has its users been wise enough to avail of its positive features to improve their quality of life or have the drawbacks exceeded the benefits?
The Internet or the World Wide Web is indeed a wonderful and amazing addition in our lives.
The internet is used to send information quickly between computers around the world. It has millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks and websites, which together carry many different kinds of information (facts and details) and services. So in other words, the Internet is a network of networks.
Its focus has always been in expanding communication and has turned our earth into a global village. Today, we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in any part of the world. The Internet has allowed millions of users to become highly mobile, yet still stay connected to business and loved ones. Information is probably the biggest advantage the Internet is offering. One can find any type of data on almost any kind of topic. Some assignments that teachers give require research on the Internet. Students have learnt to become autonomous 10 learners by surfing the/Internet to gather resources for their schoolwork. Many people surf the Internet for entertainment: downloading games, visiting chatrooms or just surfing the Web.
There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. Chatrooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. The Internet has been successfully used by people to find lifelong partners. Many services are now provided on the Internet such as 15 online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for one’s favourite movies, hotel reservations and guidance services on an array of topics engulfing every aspect of life.
Consumers are now able to shop online and do not havfi to leave their house. The best advantage is that one can compare prices on different websites to benefit from the best price. Nothing can be more amazing than the wide array of products available ranging from household needs, 20 technology, to entertainment. Shopping online has become a huge success as it allows people to save on cost and time. Just one click of the mouse on the items they want to purchase and the items are delivered to their front door.
Yet, many fear the Internet because of its dangers. One major disadvantage of the Internet is lack of privacy. Electronic messages sent over the Internet can be easily snooped and tracked, 25 revealing who is talking to whom and what they are talking about. As people surf the Internet, they are constantly giving information to websites. The collection, selling, or sharing of the information they provide online increases the chances that their information fall into wrong hands. Consequently, they become a victim of identity theft, one of the worst privacy violations with potentially devastating financial consequences. In other words, the most common Internet 30 crimes are frauds and con games. Computers catch viruses too, mainly from the Internet or through pen drives. Some of these dangerous viruses destroy the computers entire hard drive, meaning that the user can no longer access the computer.
Using the Internet for long periods of time can isolate people from family and friends. Though many develop online relationships, these virtual friends cannot replace real life socialising. Children using the Internet have become a big concern. When children talk to others online, they could actually be talking to a harmful person. There have been cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. A child or teenager can be lured into something foolish, dangerous, or even deadly. In addition, children may also receive pornography online by mistake as pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area. Thus, children come across such sites easily. The sending of unwanted emails in bulk, known as spamming, serves no purpose and unnecessarily clogs up the entire system. These emails may contain viruses that may corrupt the system and, even il they don’t cause any harm, these can be plain annoying.
Although the Internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be fatal, the advantages exceed the disadvantages. Millions of people each day benefit from using the Internet for work and pleasure.

Children Are Sweet Enough
Are you aware of how much sugar your child is consuming?
Adopt these five simple methods to reduce sugar in a child's diet.
THERE’S sugar everywhere we turn. A typi­cal child’s day starts with either a peanut butter and jam sandwich or sugary cereals for breakfast, and then on to biscuits and fruit drinks for snacks, muffins and cupcakes for tea, ice cream and cake for dessert. And if that’s not bad enough, children are given lollipops, cotton candy, chocolates and fizzy drinks ever so often.
Despite the increasing rates of child obesi­ty in Malaysia, sugar intake among Malaysian pre-schoolers is still high. Parents must realise that sugar is not a food group and should be avoided.
While most sugary foods can be easily rec­ognised, a lot of the sugars consumed by chil­dren are hidden in the food and beverages they take. Even some milk contains added sugars! According to the Malaysian Dietitians’ Association, all packaged beverag­es contain added sugar, even those marketed for specific health benefits, unless stated oth­erwise. Many of the beverages contain very little or no nutrients, and instead have food additives and colouring.
These beverages are not just bad for a child’s teeth but are also empty calories.
Consuming too many empty calories and encouraging a taste for sweets may in the long runlead to childhood obesity.
In a study by Robert Lustig, paediatric endocrinologist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco, published in the journal Obesity, removing sugar from one’s diet for just nine days can have dramatic results. His research found that the chil­dren’s cholesterol improved and their insulin levels dropped.
The idea is to replace sugary foods in a child’s diet without eliminating carbohy­drates. The sugary food is replaced with nutritional starchy foods while maintaining body weight and calorie intake. Foods with added sugars can be removed from a child’s diet and replaced with a no-added-sugar ver­sion, which can be made up from food that contains only natural sugars.
Keeping a food diary of what your chil­dren eat will probably shock you into reducing the added sugars right away.
Here’s how to get started:
1 Serve healthy drinks
Young children should only be drink­ing water and milk. Reduce and eliminate fizzy drinks altogether and cut down on other sugary drinks. It is always better to make the change gradually, so you can start by giving them fizzy water with a little bit of juice to wean them off. For kids who are already drinking too many sugary drinks, try weaning them off by adding a bit of water to dilute it each time you serve them. However, do expect some tantrums along the way, but perseverance is the key to make this change!
2 Smarter shopping
Some of us may have started our kids on added sugars without even realising - with growing up milk! Check your product label to ensure that it has no added sugars. The added sugars can be spotted on the ingredients list and come in various names such as fructose, glucose, glucose syrup sol­ids, maltodextrin, com syrup and com syrup solids. Learn the names of added sugars and look out for them in the labels the next time you go shopping.
3 Mealtimes
Cooking at home is without a. doubt the best choice but with a rising number of working parents, this can prove to be a chal­lenge. Spend more time cooking over the weekend and planning the menu for the week and freeze portions. Sauces are one of the main sources of hidden added sugars. Once you’ve removed the added sugars from your httle one’s diet, you’ll see how much easier it is to get them to eat whole foods such as vegetables and fruits.
Children should eat four to five servings of vegetables and fruits per day such as apples, carrots, broccoli, and banana's.
4 School snack box
When your children are younger, it is easier to control what they eat as they are not exposed yet to the daily eating habits of other children.
The longer they stay off added sugars, the more they will be able to appreciate healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. Pack their snack boxes for pre-school with fruits, a cheese sandwich, or boiled eggs if they like it.
Cut out shapes in sandwiches to make them more interesting. Kids love to dip! Veggies with hummus or apple slices with yogurt are
tasty and healthy combos. There are so many interesting ideas for healthy snack boxes on Pinterest for the inspiration you need. As they get older, it will be harder to make that change as your kids will come back sullen with a half-eaten lunchbox when their friends had cookies and fizzy drinks.
5 After school snacks
More often than not, when kids get home from school, they are hungry. It is so tempting to just feed your kids the array of kuih that you can get easily at stalls around, tea time when they get home from school. It is okay to let them have their favourite snack once in a while as long as you’re keeping track of their sugar intake for tha rest of the day. Best is to prepare the snacks ahead of time - a simple sandwich, or in the hot weather, fruit popsicles are a good way to get them to incorporate fruits and vegetables into their diets.
Stay away from processed foods such as ice cream, chocolate bars, and cookies as processed foods usually contain high amounts of sugar, which add more calories and no nutri­tional value.
While it is important to reduce added sugar in have a variety of foods to keep them looking for­ward to meal times. Do experiment with dif­ferent types of foods as each child is differ­ent. Don’t just remove items and limit the variety, instead replace them with something equally delicious but healthy. For instance when you remove ice cream, let them have a fruit popsicle made out of yoghurt and fresh fruits, or better yet, make your own ice cream using the sweetness of fruits.
It takes a little effort but the creative jour­ney is fun and you’ll have the peace of mind that you're giving the best nutrition to your family. - This article is brought by Anmum Essential, the Formulated Milk Powder for Children with absolutely No Added Sugars
Note: Sucrose, Glucose Syrup Solid, Corn Syrup Solid, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Lactose, Fructose, Honey and White Sugar are defined as ‘sugars’ and 'added sugars' under CODEX Standard 212- 1999 and CAC/GL23-1997. CODEX develops har­monised international food standards guidelines and code of practices. Under Malaysian Food Regulations 1985, Sucrose, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Glucose, Fructose.
Honey are defined as sweet­ening substances. Under Australia New Zealand Food Standard Code- Standard 1.1.2, Glucose Syrup, Maltodextrin and similar products are defined as 'sugars'.

Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.
That’s right. Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can’t get? Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can’t communicate with? Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth? Make big jumps in your career, leaving others miles behind?
You can get all this if you speak English well.
Get access to knowledge
What are you interested in? Is it science? Music? Computers? Health? Business? Sports? Today’s media — such as the Internet, television, and the press — give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favorite subjects. After all, we live in the information age, don’t we?
There’s only one problem. Most of this knowledge is in English.
Here are some examples of knowledge you can use if you know English:
Most pages on the Web. That’s over a billion (1,000,000,000) pages of information! It’s amazing that learning just one language gives you access to almost all knowledge on the Internet.
Books — on any subject, from all over the world. Read books by British or American authors, and books translated from other languages. Whatever you’re interested in, you can read about it in English!
The press. Only English-language magazines and newspapers can be bought in every part of the world. You don’t have to search for TimeNewsweek, or the International Herald Tribune!
Science. English is the key to the world of science. In 1997, 95% of the articles in the Science Citation Index were written in English. Only about 50% of them were from English-speaking countries like the USA or Britain. (source)
News reports. Watch international television networks, such as CNN International and NBC. They broadcast news much faster, and more professionally, than smaller, national networks. And you can watch them everywhere in the world.
Communicate with people
We like to call English “the language of communication”. Why? Because it seems all the people in the world have agreed to use English to talk to each other.
About 1,500,000,000 people in the world speak English. Another 1,000,000,000 are learning it.
75% of the world’s letters and postcards are written in English.
Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English. For example, the Olympics and the Miss World contest.
Diplomats and politicians from different countries use English to communicate with each other. English is the main language of organizations like the United Nations, NATO, and the European Free Trade Association.
If you can communicate in English, you can:
Contact people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and opinions on Internet discussion groups. Send e-mail to interesting people. Learn about their life and culture.
Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go — English is spoken in more than 100 countries. Ask directions, have a conversation, or... ask for help. Who knows, maybe English will save your life someday!
Push your career forward
If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning English now! (If you already have a good job, start learning before you lose it!)
Knowing English will let you:
Put “excellent knowledge of English” on your CV. Get your dream job, and earn more money.
Gain technical knowledge. English is the language of technology, especially high technology like computer science, genetics, and medicine. If you’re going to read about technology, you’ll probably have to do it in English.
Learn computer science. Read technical articles without difficulty. Or write your own articles!
Be a world-class businessman (or -woman). It’s simple. International business is done in English. And all business today is international. So if you want to play, you have to know English — to contact other business people, go to conferences, read international business newspapers and magazines, etc.
Become a better scientist. Contact scientists from other countries, go to international conferences, visit academic centers abroad. Learn about new scientific discoveries by reading papers, books, and magazines.
Use your computer more effectively. Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them better — and become a better employee.
Learn new skills for your job. The section “Get access to knowledge” explains how English helps you learn.
Enjoy art like never before
English lets you feel the culture of the world like no other language. With a good knowledge of the English language, you can do wonderful things:
Watch American and British films in the original. Once you try it, you’ll never go back to dubbed versions!
Read great books. Every famous book was written in English or it was translated into English. There is an amazing number of titles — from classic plays like Hamlet to modern thrillers like Jurassic Park.
English is easy to learn
English is not only the most useful language in the world. It is also one of the easiest languages to learn and to use:
Simple alphabet — no special symbols such as Ã© or Ã¤. Type in sweetpartfilm on your computer. Now try süß (German), część (Polish), Ñ„ильм(Russian). Which is easier?
Easy plurals — simply add s to a word. One carfive carsone telephone,two telephones... There are very few exceptions.
Words are easy to learn. In French, it’s la fille and le chien. In German, it’s das Mädchen and der Hund. In English, they’re just a girl and a dog. And that’s all you need to know.
Short words. Most of the basic words are short: runworkbiggoman. Long words are often shortened: sitcom = situational comedyfridge = refrigeratorOS = operating system. Speaking English saves you time. :-)
Words don’t change. But in many languages, one word has many forms:
English: The man is blind.
German: Der Mann ist blind.
English: This is a blind man.
German: Das ist ein blinder Mann.
English: I see a blind man.
German: Ich sehe einen blinden Mann.
Call everybody “you”. You can say “Do you speak English?” to your friend or to your teacher. In other languages, you have to use the right word for the right person. In English, everybody is equal. :-)
English is everywhere. You can easily access English-language television, music, websites, magazines, etc. You don’t have to learn from boring textbooks. You can learn and use your English at the same time. Using your English is especially important because it increases your desire to learn.
Get satisfaction
English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction:
Making progress feels great. We’ll never forget the moment we discovered we could speak with Americans or watch TV in English.
You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection.
Using English is fun, too, because every sentence you speak or write reminds you of your success.
English makes you a more powerful, happier person. It is not difficult to imagine some situations where knowing English gives you a great feeling.
We hope that, with our help, your progress in English will soon give you a lot of satisfaction, too. Many people have followed our methods and watched their “English power” grow very quickly. You can read about some of these people in the “Learner reports” section.

1. English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion!
2. English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated, learning English really can change your life.
3. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
4. Most of the content produced on the internet (50%) is in English. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available!
Although learning English can be challenging and time consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities!
The English Language Centre  is a not-for-profit organisation. This means that all our profits are re-invested in the school, our purpose is to provide the highest possible quality in English language teaching at our schools in Brighton and Eastbourne.

MALAYSIANS once stood tall in the Commonwealth for their proficiency in English but sadly, those days are long gone.
For at least two generations since our education system switched its medium of instruction from English to Bahasa Malaysia, the deficit in both spoken and written English especially among the young is all too obvious.
With the advent of social media, this deterioration has become even more glaring and infectious as seen in billboards and even official correspondence written in broken English. And the difficulty or hesitation among most in speaking the language.
One can often find mistakes in the use of English in the media, too. This is something that should be expected because, to quote Permaisuri Johor Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah, "of the dramatic and drastic" decline in proficiency in the language among younger Malaysians.
Lest those in this age bracket feel they are being blamed time and again for this, rest assured that you are not, for we all know that you are just the product of the system.
In other words, it's too much for us to expect them to master this all too vital global language when the school eco-system right from Day One is not there or is not in their favour for them to do so.
Raja Zarith Sofiah has consistently been championing for greater and concerted efforts to create more opportunities especially for the young to master the language to take their place on the global stage.
"We should not rely entirely on the government to reverse this trend. We need English teachers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and corporate bodies to band together to take pro-active action.
"My dream is to see young Malaysians pursue education in world-class universities like Harvard and Oxford and go on to become chief executive officers of global companies. To achieve such goals, they need to master the English language," said Raja Zarith Sofiah, who studied at Oxford University.
To be fair to NGOs like the English Speaking Union of Malaysia and the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (of which Raja Zarith Sofiah is the patron); corporate entities; and English newspapers; they have done and are doing more than their fair share in this direction.
But by and large, with limited resources and outreach whatever their contributions it won't suffice because the real effort must be seen to be done in the schools and universities, particularly the government-funded or public ones.
Right from Primary One, or Year One, pupils ought to be exposed to English and more importantly sufficient hours should be allocated to speak the language in class.
Although this is easier said than done given the fact that we have over 10,000 schools in the country, and where the proficiency of English teachers is regarded even by the Education Ministry as not at the desired standard, much, much more serious attention must be given to address this gap.
As Raja Zarith Sofiah pointed out students were "afraid" to speak English in schools nowadays because of the fear of being mocked for trying to be a "Mat Salleh" or Englishman and that if they don't speak the national language then they are not proud of being Malaysian.
It's in the interest of everyone as we line up to join the ranks of a high-income developed nation that this outmoded thinking, if it still exists, be chucked into the dustbin of history.
In my extensive travels overseas in the course of my work as a journalist, I have met Malaysians studying in English-speaking countries and most admitted that they were finding it very tough to cope with their studies because the education system back home did not prepare them well, English language-wise.
In this internet age where the bulk of knowledge and information, say from Google and other platforms, is available in English, our students are losing out and struggling to access such sites because of the decline.
I cannot help but mention here the remarks made by the then Sarawak chief minister, the late Tan Sri Adenan Satem, who last year described as "stupid" any education system which sidelined English.
Adenan would have made a greater impact in putting more emphasis on English proficiency among Sarawakians but he died in January.
His successor, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, recently set up Sarawak's own Ministry of Education, perhaps to pursue Adenan's agenda.
I can only wish Sarawak, my home state, success in such efforts so that other states can follow suit.
The country is spending heavily on education – this sector gets the biggest chunk of our annual national budget – and everytime we talk about education, the emphasis must not just be about education per se.
It must be about quality education of global standards to ensure that the huge investments in human capital pay the desired dividends or in corporate lingo, the ROI (return on investment).
Without reversing the decline in English, one cannot see how we can do this. So we need to check the decline before it's too late.
We need not look too far, just set our sight across the Causeway to Singapore where English education has helped to ensure its human capital is always ranked among the world's best.
And without any natural resources, Singapore is internationally-recognised as one of the world's most successful nations.

Posted on 6October 2017 - 10:56am
Last updated on 6 October 2017 - 11:05am
GAB Foundation’s sixth English Enrichment Training Programme (EETP) drew to a close at the end of September. The programme managed to reach out to 65 teachers from 56 schools across seven states, effectively benefiting more than 1,400 pupils.
Through the EETP, teachers were given the opportunity to enhance their English language teaching skills by implementing interactive methodologies to heighten their students’ interest during English lessons.
Briefly, the EETP is a seven-month programme that begins with a four-day intensive training workshop for teachers. The course is led by early childhood education specialists and English language experts. Subsequent to the workshop, teacher participants are encouraged to apply their knowledge via a 20-week supplementary English class programme catered to their students. Experienced mentors in Kedah, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak will provide supervision and support….

Friday, 6 Oct 2017
PETALING JAYA: Local English textbook publishers are confident they can meet the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) standards if given the chance.
Malaysian Book Publishers Association (Mapoba) honorary secretary Sheikh Faisal Sheikh Mansor welcomed the Government’s efforts to improve students’ command of English, but said local publishers should have been given an opportunity to produce the content.
“If we were told to meet the new CEFR standards, we could have done it. But give us the guidelines.
“We can produce high quality content at cheaper prices,” he said….

Read more…
Here are ten good reasons to take an English language course. ... If you want to learn English, contact us to speak to a member of our team ...
Iwe want to survive in this materialistic world we should learn English because it .... i want to learn English language ANY one can help me?
Find out 9 more reasons for which you should learn English today. ... language in your spare time, we're willing to bet that the English speakers .... and you'll need to speak English fluently for access to any of these, as they're ...
... languages to learn it is important to focus on exactly why it is you want to learn English. Here we will look at ten great reasons why English is so important.
I wanna learn more languages but I can't even speak english properly ... student services international students need to be successful in their ... #newjacks15 Be awesome We think it was a pretty successful week, don't you?
Most of people think that maybe english becomes their second language. But have you ever wondered:" Why do we need to learn English".
In terms of international commerce, English is the language to learn. ... Chances are you will want to learn English at some point along the way, ...
Check out these 10 reasons why learning English is a great decision! ... Even if they want to speak in your native language at first, your hard work to learn ... We are now going to talk about all the most important reasons why you should study ...

Education in India 
Education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: centralstate, and local. Under various articles of the Indian Constitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right to children between the ages of 6 and 14. The ratio of public schools to private schools in India is 7:5.
India has made progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately three-quarters of the population in the 7–10 age group, by 2011. India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to its economic development. Much of the progress, especially in higher education and scientific research, has been credited to various public institutions. While enrolment in higher education has increased steadily over the past decade, reaching a Gross Enrolment Ratio of 24% in 2013, there still remains a significant distance to catch up with tertiary education enrolment levels of developed nations, a challenge that will be necessary to overcome in order to continue to reap a demographic dividend from India's comparatively young population.
At the primary and secondary level, India has a large private school system complementing the government run schools, with 29% of students receiving private education in the 6 to 14 age group. Certain post-secondary technical schools are also private. The private education market in India had a revenue of US$450 million in 2008, but is projected to be a US$40 billion market.
As per the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between the ages of 6-14 were enrolled in school. This is the fourth annual survey to report enrolment above 96%. Another report from 2013 stated that there were 22.9 crore students enrolled in different accredited urban and rural schools of India, from Class I to XII, representing an increase of 23 lakh students over 2002 total enrolment, and a 19% increase in girl's enrolment. While quantitatively India is inching closer to universal education, the quality of its education has been questioned particularly in its government run school system. Some of the reasons for the poor quality include absence of around 25% of teachers every day. States of India have introduced tests and education assessment system to identify and improve such schools.
It is important to clarify that while there are private schools in India, they are highly regulated in terms of what they can teach, in what form they can operate (must be a non-profit to run any accredited educational institution) and all other aspects of operation. Hence, the differentiation of government schools and private schools can be misguiding.
In India's education system, a significant number of seats are reserved under affirmative action policies for the historically disadvantaged Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. In universities, colleges, and similar institutions affiliated to the federal government, there is a maximum 50% of reservations applicable to these disadvantaged groups, at the state level it can vary. Maharashtra had 73% reservation in 2014, which is the highest percentage of reservations in India…

English Education In China 
The emphasis on English education in China only emerged after 1979 when the Cultural Revolution ended, China adopted the Open Door Policy, and the United States and China established strong diplomatic ties. An estimate of the number of English speakers in China is over 200 million and rising, with 50 million secondary schoolchildren now studying the language.
In China, most schoolchildren are taught their first English lesson in third grade in primary school. Despite the early learning of English, there exist criticism of the teaching and learning of the language. This causes teaching to be geared towards the skills tested. Therefore, skills such as learning grammar rules become more focused on memorization. However, creative skills such as writing are still an important part of English education in China. The methods, which focus on testing students' memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary, have been criticized by Western educationalists and linguistics as fundamentally flawed). Furthermore, students are seldom able to put newly learned English words into use. This problem arises because Mandarin is the official and dominant language in China, while on the other hand English is perceived to be of little use in the country. This problem is further reinforced through the national Band 4 examination, where 80% of the test is the writing component, 20% of the test is listening, and speaking was only required for the English major student. However, Guangdong Province has started requiring all students to take the English speaking exam for the National College Entrance Examination as of 2010. According to a national survey, only half of the teachers consider that vocabulary should be learned through conversation or communication. A far smaller percentage support activities such as role playing or vocabulary games
China's first contact with the English language occurred between Chinese and English traders, and the first missionary schools to teach English were established in Macau in the 1630s. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Russian was originally the primary foreign language. English began to transition into the education system during the 1960s as a result of the Sino-Soviet split. Because of the condemnation of the English language during the Cultural Revolution, English education did not return until Richard Nixon visited China in 1971. The only textbooks for English instructions were translations of Mao Zedong's works until the Cutural Revolution ended in 1976, and the Gaokao was restored in 1978.
The College English Test (CET) is the primary English language test in China. As of 2011, employers have made scores in the CET 4 and CET 6 requirements for employment, and The Lowdown on China's Higher Education stated that in China "CET 4 and CET 6 National English examinations have become the symbol of English proficiency in reading and writing."
There is also the Public English Test System (PETS).

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